Page name: Hello! Chat [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-01-28 07:44:04
Last author: Praise Adonai
Owner: stuffAEAmade
# of watchers: 13
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The Hello! Stickers Chat Page!

Please use this page for chatting, and save the main pages for questions and such. :)

Who was here?

1. [*(.Randi.)*] Oooh, yeah! I'm so special! XD
2. [XxTsomexX] *smirks*
4. [deus-misereatur] :0 Lizz skipped three!
Next One: 3 is evil!!! mwhahaha! [.Toxic Valentine.]
5.[chelle RocKs] Tee hee *dances*
666.[Archeress of Mirkwood]Here I am!
7.(69)[the loved wolf]
9. I like this number! [The Black Goat]
12.[Junko987] I'm so cool,ice cubes are jealous!!
13. tags XD
66. Wait....did i miss a [kasaix.x]
14. [Praise Adonai] 's ok, I gotcher back on this one ^.^

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2006-10-08 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *clings on* .. tell them to stop it!

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: they're boys... they wont...

2006-10-08 [.Toxic Valentine.]: .. well.. *plucks up courage* *shouts at everyone* STOP IT YOU SHTUPID PPls ..( sorry to those who were well behaved )

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-08 [.Toxic Valentine.]: ha .. that got em ..

2006-10-08 [Ktcm]: Mrow o.o;

2006-10-08 [.Toxic Valentine.]: silly people ..

2006-10-08 [Ktcm]: ouff ^^ ~offers hand~ heya, I'm Kayliegh

2006-10-08 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *bows* hello person *shakes your hand* im Ace ..

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: I'm megan! but people call me Tsome.

2006-10-08 [Ktcm]: Ouff pleasure to meet someone not completely crazy in here ^^; no offense to those persons who are... hyperly active beyond belief and such... >.<;

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: lol yeah

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: who says im male

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: you dotn know do you

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: idk TT_TT sorry

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: ok then*smacks you with a practice sword*

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: *chases[XxTsomexX]*

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: ahhH! *whaps darth with the fan*

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: *takes the fan and whaps you with it *

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: *tosses it back and pokes you*

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: *pokes you back*

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: *pins you and tickles you *

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: XDD *laughing till she cries*

2006-10-08 [Ktcm]: ~blinks and sits on the ground, watching~ o.o;

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: *sits up and smiles*

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: XDDDDDDD

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: *tickles you more*

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: *dies*

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: *laughs and walks away*

2006-10-08 [Ktcm]: ~uses a pheonix down on Tsome~

2006-10-08 [XxTsomexX]: *ish dead*

2006-10-08 [darthsenshin]: *uses mega phoenix on her and a mega potion*

2006-10-09 [.Toxic Valentine.]: let her live!

2006-10-09 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-09 [Ktcm]: ouff >>; <<; I didn't do it...

2006-10-09 [*(.Randi.)*]: *revives Tsome* Darned tickling!

2006-10-09 [XxTsomexX]: tickling is evil -.-

2006-10-09 [Ktcm]: nuh uh... I find it evil when I'm being tickled, but I luff tickling gals, specially if they're gigglers ^^; giggling is tres cute.

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *tickles everyone *

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: >///< nuuuuu!

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *pounces on you and tickles you*

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: nuuuuuu!

2006-10-10 [Ktcm]: ~tickles darthsenshin~

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *talks like hypello*ish not ticklish*

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: eeeep! *hides behind dreamer*

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *stands up and whistles for paine from ffx2 to back me up *

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: XXD she scares me!

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *changes to samuria dresssphere and charges*

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: >.....<

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *uses spare change attack*tosses 9999999 gil at everyone *

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: *hiding*

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *jumps up and paine changes to gunner*

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: *hiding somewhere weird*

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *disappears and comes back laters*

2006-10-10 [Ktcm]: o.o; ~drags Paine into her bedroom and puts a do not disturb sign up~

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-10 [Ktcm]: ~comes back out all happy looking hours later~ eee ^^;~cough cough~ erm... ~innocent grin~ ^^;

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: XDDD oh my...

2006-10-10 [Ktcm]: I swear I'm a good girl ^^; yessums I am :-P and anyone who tells you otherwise... like Paine, Yuna, Rikku, Aeris, Yuffie, Tifa for just a few examples, ish so lying ^^;

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-10 [Ktcm]: xD ouff I'm such a geek, anywho I best take some nyquil(sp) be heading to bed, so night night ~hugs Tsome~ have a good one eh? Evil Nyquil(sp) makes me feel drunk. >>;

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: lol see ya

2006-10-10 [darthsenshin]: *comes back and finds paine all sweaty and spanks her*

2006-10-10 [.Toxic Valentine.]: er. hiya ..

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: ...........

2006-10-10 [.Toxic Valentine.]: .... well dont say hi then .

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: sorry :P i meant the ... to the paine thing :S

2006-10-10 [.Toxic Valentine.]: ooh i see! soz.

2006-10-10 [XxTsomexX]: ^_^ tsall good

2006-10-11 [darthsenshin]: sorry hyper and good mood now

2006-10-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: thats nice to hear .

2006-10-11 [darthsenshin]: im sorry about what happened to you

2006-10-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: its ok.. its beyond your control ..

2006-10-11 [darthsenshin]: wish i could make you feel better

2006-10-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *hugs* just having people i care for around me is good enough .. its all i need right now.

2006-10-11 [darthsenshin]: *hugs you *anytime you need someone to talk to im here

2006-10-11 [.Toxic Valentine.]: thank you! *hugs you* .. your so awsome .. we're lucky to have you

2006-10-11 [XxTsomexX]: indeed

2006-10-11 [darthsenshin]: anyone need someone to talk to message me and ask for my yahoo or msn name and i will help you the best i can

2006-10-12 [Ktcm]: Pfft ^^; course I'm in a good mood :-P me and Paine had a sleepover >>; <<; ^^;

2006-10-12 [XxTsomexX]: *sighs*

2006-10-12 [darthsenshin]: whats wrong i love penguins

2006-10-12 [XxTsomexX]: idk now lol

2006-10-12 [darthsenshin]: *hugs you *

2006-10-12 [XxTsomexX]: XD lol im kinda out of it

2006-10-12 [darthsenshin]: whats wrong

2006-10-12 [XxTsomexX]: im just tired lol

2006-10-13 [Ktcm]: we were talking about african pengiuns a day or so aho o.o;

2006-10-13 [XxTsomexX]: hahaha

2006-10-13 [Ktcm]: xD gotta love stoners who don't know what they're talking about.

2006-10-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: PEGUINS!! Or rather....FEET!

2006-10-13 [XxTsomexX]: ...

2006-10-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: oh sorry.

2006-10-13 [XxTsomexX]: its ok... im just im a bad mood

2006-10-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that!! What's wrong?

2006-10-13 [Ktcm]: ~hugs Penguin~

2006-10-13 [XxTsomexX]: missing jessy

2006-10-13 [Ktcm]: aw sucky deal ~gives a pickle~ &hearts;

2006-10-13 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-13 [Ktcm]: ^^; ouff be happy xD woot

2006-10-13 [XxTsomexX]: im tryiing...

2006-10-13 [Ktcm]: ~hugs~ mmkies, mrow >.<;

2006-10-13 [darthsenshin]: *hugs you will be ok *

2006-10-14 [Ktcm]: ouff.

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: *sighs*

2006-10-14 [darthsenshin]: i hugged you be happy

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: i am...

2006-10-14 [Ktcm]: ~tackle-hugs Penguins~

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: XD hallo dreamer :P

2006-10-14 [Ktcm]: Hello Pengiuns ^^; eh heh sup?

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: not much

2006-10-14 [Ktcm]: Ah I see, mrow.

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-14 [Ktcm]: I so win!

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: huh?

2006-10-14 [Ktcm]: Lol I dunno.

2006-10-14 [*(.Randi.)*]: meep

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: *sighs*

2006-10-14 [darthsenshin]: what depressed?

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: -.- still

2006-10-14 [*(.Randi.)*]: awwww *hugs*

2006-10-14 [darthsenshin]: *hugs you and doesnt let go till your better*

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: im sorry

2006-10-14 [darthsenshin]: i hope you feel better

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: i do too

2006-10-14 [darthsenshin]: i promise anytime you need me let me know i will be there so you can talk to me

2006-10-14 [XxTsomexX]: ok

2006-10-14 [*(.Randi.)*]: Yeah! Me too!

2006-10-15 [Ktcm]: and me >>l; ouff

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2006-10-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *cuddles you all*

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: YAY! *huggles back*

2006-10-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: how are you?

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: im good ^_^

2006-10-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: im glad .......

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: yay!

2006-10-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: *hugs u again*

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: ^_^ *hugs back*

2006-10-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: >.<

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: ?

2006-10-15 [*(.Randi.)*]: *glomples all*

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: XD *is glomped*

2006-10-15 [.Toxic Valentine.]: walks away - not for me thanks

2006-10-15 [*(.Randi.)*]: what? You don't like getting glompled?

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: i do! i like doing the glomping... *grins evily and glomps Goddess*

2006-10-15 [*(.Randi.)*]: *gets glompled again* (Yes I know it's "glomped" but it was a typo that I did a long time ago and it stuck)

2006-10-15 [XxTsomexX]: its ok lol

2006-10-16 [Ktcm]: ~glomps and such~ xD

2006-10-16 [.Toxic Valentine.]: im sorry i wasnt feeling too good.. read my diary and it might explain y ..

2006-10-16 [doggiepog6]: how was everyones weekend?

2006-10-16 [XxTsomexX]: fun fun

2006-10-16 [hopscotchnerd]: *shoots at all with a mini gun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

2006-10-16 [XxTsomexX]: eeeeep!

hey, i remember you!

2006-10-17 [*(.Randi.)*]: Aidan! You're back!

2006-10-17 [.Toxic Valentine.]: you ... well i dont know you .. but ,. hi! im ace *waves and shakes your hand*

2006-10-17 [doggiepog6]: hiya! i luv ice cream (random thought)

2006-10-17 [XxTsomexX]: yaaaaaaaaaay!

2006-10-17 [doggiepog6]: right back at ya!

2006-10-17 [XxTsomexX]: lol

2006-10-18 [doggiepog6]: so r u dressing up 4 halloween?

2006-10-18 [XxTsomexX]: yup!

2006-10-19 [*(.Randi.)*]: Nah, I'm answering the door this year. (I get to eat all of the excess candy!! WHEE)

2006-10-19 [XxTsomexX]: lol im doin that with like 4 friends, were making my front yard a haunted house

2006-10-19 [*(.Randi.)*]: sweet! Next year we're doing haunted woods.

2006-10-19 [darthsenshin]: i work at party city for halloween and if i promote a costume i get it free

2006-10-19 [.Toxic Valentine.]: coolness.. this is the last year we can really get into it so we're going sexy instead of scary

2006-10-19 [doggiepog6]: awesome!

2006-10-19 [.Toxic Valentine.]: thanks

2006-10-19 [XxTsomexX]: llalamoo

2006-10-20 [darthsenshin]: sexy? hmmmm

2006-10-20 [*(.Randi.)*]: Yep, the year after next me an' my friends are all gonna be floozy flirts. LOL

2006-10-20 [XxTsomexX]: XD

2006-10-20 [darthsenshin]: shuttin up i know those customes*zips my mouth shut*

2006-10-20 [Ktcm]: o.o;

2006-10-20 [darthsenshin]: shuttin up

2006-10-20 [*(.Randi.)*]: whaaat? We'll be fourteen!

2006-10-20 [Ktcm]: I'm confused...

2006-10-20 [XxTsomexX]: huh?

2006-10-20 [darthsenshin]: so confused

2006-10-20 [.Toxic Valentine.]: wt .. im only 14 .. bout to be 15 but .. my mommy wont let me go out next year so .. :'(

2006-10-20 [darthsenshin]: no longer confused but im workin halloween

2006-10-20 [.Toxic Valentine.]: aww .. *gives you candy * there you go ..

2006-10-20 [darthsenshin]: *hugs you ty *

2006-10-20 [.Toxic Valentine.]: its ok .. what are mates for

2006-10-20 [darthsenshin]: yep with out friends a person is lonely

2006-10-20 [.Toxic Valentine.]: lonely .. im mr lonely .. i have nobody

2006-10-20 [darthsenshin]: *hugs you im here for you*

2006-10-20 [.Toxic Valentine.]: i know ..*hugs you*

2006-10-20 [*(.Randi.)*]: *explains* The year after next halloween, I'll be 14.

2006-10-20 [.Toxic Valentine.]: klkl

2006-10-20 [XxTsomexX]: ill b 15 in november

2006-10-20 [.Toxic Valentine.]: wowie.. i have to wait till march

2006-10-21 [darthsenshin]: sucks for you

2006-10-21 [Subject37]: what's all this?...

2006-10-21 [XxTsomexX]: *shrugs*

2006-10-21 [.Toxic Valentine.]: halloween .. then birthdays .. the .. you people .. how are you while we're on the topic of you .. ?

2006-10-22 [darthsenshin]: topic of me >?

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